تصاویر تمام انواع گل رز ( all types of rose picture )
Rosa ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ offers rich magenta blooms that unfold from fringed buds on an upright, vigorous plant. The flower fragrance is a rich antique rose perfume. Plants can be maintained as tall shrubs or encouraged to climb to 10 feet. Otherwise, it grows to 5-6 feet tall. This reliable variety is hardy in Zones 5-9.
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Rosa ‘Graham Thomas’ bears warm peachy-yellow blooms that appear in clusters and have the enticing scent of antique roses and a hint of violets. This vigorous variety grows to 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide as a pruned shrub rose or 12 feet tall as a climber. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘Heritage’ features huge, pale pink blooms that possess a sweet combination of fruit, honey, and carnation. They appear continuously through the season on the rounded, shrubby plant. It grows to 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide as a shrub or to 7 feet if allowed to climb. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Jean Giono’ is a French-bred variety that produces full, double blooms packed with spice-scented golden-yellow petals with tangerine centers. The foliage is a shiny dark green. The plants grow 4-5 feet tall and are hardy to Zone 5, with winter protection.
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Rosa ‘Mary Magdalene’ bears apricot-pink petals around a central button in a flower style called a rosette. The double blooms have a sweet tea-rose scent. This variety grows to 3 feet tall and wide. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Mary Rose’ is an early bloomer that produces full, ruffled double flowers in a sweet pink permeated with an antique rose, honey, and almond fragrance. The plant forms a dense shrub that grows 4 feet tall and wide. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘Othello’ features fully double, dusky crimson flowers that repeat throughout the summer and contrast with the dark green foliage. They have a strong, antique rose fragrance. This variety is thorny and very hardy. It grows to 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘St. Swithun’ bears bowl-shape, frilled blooms in clear pink, redolent of myrrh, that appear on a vigorous plant with climbing tendencies. The canes can be pruned to maintain a medium shrub rose shape or encouraged to climb to 8 feet. The plant is covered with disease-resistant foliage and grows 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘The Dark Lady’ bears large, crinkled blooms that blend shades of red and violet and unfurl on a plant that spreads slightly and grows to 4 feet tall and wide. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘The Prince’ produces cupped rosettes of deep crimson that darken to a mysterious shade of dusky purple. They possess a strong antique rose fragrance. The plant is a good repeat bloomer and compact, reaching 2-1/2 feet tall and wide. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Flower Carpet Amber’ produces fragrant, golden-apricot flowers over glossy, dark green foliage. The lush foliage is quite disease resistant. It grows 2-1/2 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Zones 5-10
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Rosa ‘Flower Carpet Coral’ features soft coral-pink single blooms that cover glossy dark green foliage in large clusters of 20-30 blooms. The lush foliage is impervious to disease. Plants grow up to 2-1/2 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Zones 5-10
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Rosa ‘Flower Carpet Pink’ blooms prolifically for five or more months. The pink blooms with white centers develop in clusters 6-8 inches across, with as many as 18 flowers in each. Plants grow up to 3 feet tall and 4 feet across. Zones 5-10
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Rosa ‘Flower Carpet Pink Supreme’ produces hot-pink blooms all summer and fall on a low-growing, disease-resistant plant. It grows 3 feet tall and wide. Zones 4-10
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Rosa ‘Flower Carpet Red’ bursts forth with masses of rich red flowers from late spring to late summer. It grows 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Zones 5-10
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Rosa ‘Flower Carpet Scarlet’ bears loads of scarlet semidouble blooms that develop in clusters on a vigorous plant. The glossy, dark green foliage is impervious to disease. Plants grow up to 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Zones 5-10
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Rosa ‘Flower Carpet Yellow’ is a disease-resistant variety that blooms from late spring to fall with yellow flowers. It grows 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide. Zones 5-10
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Rosa ‘Amber Queen’ bears clusters of cupped double flowers in a medium yellow and possesses a strong spicy-sweet fragrance. The plant stays compact, growing to 2-1/2 feet tall and wide. Zones 6-9
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Rosa ‘Angel Face’ shows strong disease resistance, an improvement on lavender roses. The ruffled blooms have a strong citrusy scent. The plant grows 2-3 feet high. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Blueberry Hill’ features unique pale lilac semidouble blooms that smother the plant’s glossy dark green foliage early in the season and then continuously until fall. The flower fragrance is sweet apple. The rounded plants show great vigor and disease resistance. They grow 4-5 feet tall and wide. Zones 5-11
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Rosa ‘Cinco de Mayo’ is an award-winning selection honored for its nonstop flower production, spicy color blend, and disease resistance. The clustered blooms feature a smoky mix of russet and lavender with coral highlights. Their fragrance is like a tart apple. ‘Cinco de Mayo’ grows 3-4 feet tall. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Hot Cocoa’ is another unique-color, award-winning variety. The blooms feature a smoldering color combination of cinnamon and pepper red, with a purple shimmer on the petals. It grows 4-5 feet tall. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘French Lace’ offers classic urn-shape ivory to apricot buds that open to large, full flowers of a warm ivory tone. The fragrance is delicate. Flowers open on an upright plant that grows 3 feet tall and is disease resistant. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘Honey Perfume’ features clustered apricot-yellow blooms on a disease-resistant plant. The fragrance mixes honey and spice. It grows 3-4 feet tall. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Iceberg’ is one of the most popular landscaping roses. It sets continuous drifts of small, clustered double white flowers from late spring through fall. The blooms have a light, sweet fragrance. The plant grows 4-6 feet tall and wide. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Livin’ Easy’ bears big apricot blooms that deepen to orange in full flower. The fragrance is moderate and fruity, and the foliage is glossy. The weather-tolerant plant is resistant to fungal diseases and grows 4-5 feet tall. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Nearly Wild’ is a shorter floribunda rose that works well as a groundcover or low hedge. Clusters of single rose-pink flowers with a light apple scent cover the vigorous, rounded plant and repeat continuously through the season. It grows 2-4 feet tall. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘Scentimental’ is a contemporary rose with peppermint-stripe petals that hearken back to gallica species roses. The blooms have a strong old-rose fragrance. The hardy plants grow to 4 feet tall. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Sexy Rexy’ offers perfectly shaped, large, clear-pink blooms that unfurl layer after layer of petals. The clustered bouquets almost smother the glossy foliage, especially in the season’s first flower flush. They’re scented with a light tea-rose perfume. This variety is known to be very disease resistant. It grows 3-1/2 feet tall. Zones 5-9
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Rosa polyantha ‘The Fairy’ puts on a constant show of dainty double pink flowers on arching canes early in the season until frost. It grows 2-3 feet tall and 4-5 feet wide. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘Ballerina’ bears a delicate pastel combination of deep rosy pink and white petals in the single flowers from late spring through fall. Small rose hips follow, brightening the bare tips through the winter and attracting birds. It grows 6 feet tall. Zones 6-9
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Rosa ‘Blanc Double de Coubert’ is a vigorous antique from late 19-century France that produces extremely fragrant, semidouble blooms in clusters. A good repeat bloomer, it grows up to 7 feet tall. Zones 3-9
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Rosa ‘MEIdomonac’ was one of the first shrub roses, and this award winner is still one of the best. It delivers a disease-resistant performance, soft-pink flowers from spring to fall, and orange hips that bring winter interest to the garden. It grows 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘BUCbi’ set a standard for disease-resistance coupled with continuous bloom. Its double, soft-pink bloom repeats reliably from early summer to fall on upright plants. At maturity, it reaches 5 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Zones 4-9.
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Rosa ‘Meizmea’ is an award-winning variety with cherry-red flowers that span from late spring through fall, in a continuous show. The plant is vigorous and covered with dark-green foliage. Grows 5 feet tall and wide. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘MEIpitac’ bears fully double, baby pink blooms abundantly all summer on a disease-resistant plant. It grows 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘DICjeep’ is an award-wining variety with vivid, deep-pink blooms that cover the low-growing plant (to 2 feet tall and wide). The leaves are glossy and show excellent disease resistance. Zones 4-9
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Rosa rugosa ‘Hansa’ bears red-violet, cupped blooms packed with many rich, clove-scented petals. An early, abundant flowering is followed by repeat bloom later in the season. The plant exhibits many traits of its rugosa heritage: disease resistance, thorniness, and extreme cold hardiness. It grows 5 feet tall. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘WEKcisbako’ shows single, bright-red blooms that open to reveal gold stamens, with the deepest color occurring in cold temperatures. A quick repeat bloomer, the plant requires light shaping to train its strong shoots. It is extremely resistant both to black spot and powdery mildew. The rounded plant grows 4 feet tall and wide. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘John Cabot’ is a tall, vigorous variety that yields clusters of deep fuchsia-pink, fragrant blooms. The plant grows 6 feet tall. Zones 3-8
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Rosa ‘Radrazz’ is an award-winning variety with cherry-pink blooms that have white centers and cover the plant. Small orange hips carry the show into late fall and appeal to the birds. The plants are extremely disease resistant and grow about 3 feet tall. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘BAIief’ is a compact shrub that features deep-pink, white-eyed blooms that fade to a lighter pink as they mature. The clustered flowers are cupped and semidouble. The disease-resistant plant grows 3 feet tall and wide. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘BAImas’ is a showy, disease-resistant stunner that bears many clusters of soft pink blooms from early summer to fall. It grows 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘BAIrift’ features full, multipetaled white blooms opening from plump light-apricot buds. The flowers appear in bunches on an upright, vigorous plant. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘BAIset’ is an outstanding, heavy-blooming selection that offers bright pink flowers that blend to warm, peachy-pink at the center. It grows 4 feet tall and wide. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘BAIsuhe’ is a disease-resistant, everblooming selection with rich red flowers. It grows 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Zones 4-9
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(Rosa ‘William Baffin’) is free-flowering and laden with double, deep-pink bloom clusters on glossy, disease-resistant foliage. The blooms are lightly fragrant. Plants grow from 7 to 9 feet tall. Zones 3-8
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Rosa ‘Earth Song’ is an extra-tough grandiflora bred at Iowa State University. Large, clear-pink, urn-shape blooms begin opening in early summer and continue until frost. The vigorous plant has an upright growth habit with glossy dark green foliage. It grows 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Zones 4-9
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Rosa ‘Honey Dijon’ bears pink, peach, and brown tones that mingle in the porcelainlike blooms. It displays its colors most dramatically in cooler temperatures, and it has a sweet, fruity fragrance. The tall, vigorous plant grows 4 to 5 feet tall. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Maria Shriver’ offers large, perfectly formed, cloud-white flowers that open in clusters on long stems and release a citrus-zest fragrance. The plant grows 4 to 5 feet tall. Zones 6-9
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Rosa ‘Queen Elizabeth’ is an award-winning variety that bears elegantly formed, lightly scented, clear-pink blooms. Plants show high disease resistance and hardiness, growing 6 feet tall and 2-1/2 to 3 feet wide with dark green leaves. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Octoberfest’ shows a mellow blend of yellow, orange, and red that gives the petals a luminous glow. The semidouble blooms have a moderate fruity fragrance. Plants reach 6 feet tall with an upright growth habit. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Radiant Perfume’ is an amazing display of color and fragrance. The big golden-yellow blooms have a citrus scent. Plants reach 5 feet tall and wide. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Scarlet Knight’ is an award-winning variety with deeply colored and dramatic blooms that start from nearly black buds and unfurl to double crimson flowers with a light old-rose fragrance. Appearing one per stem or in clusters, the blooms hold up well in cut bouquets. Foliage is dark green on tall, upright plants that reach 5 feet tall and 2-1/2 feet wide. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Tournament of Roses’ boasts beige-pink petals with a satiny texture. The flowers have a light, spicy fragrance. Foliage is disease-resistant on plants that grow 4-5 feet tall. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ offers clustered, camellia-like blooms in lavender pink, with a heady fragrance of citrus and tea rose. It’s an award-winning variety that grows 4 feet tall. Zones 6-9
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Rosa ‘Alberic Barbier’ was bred in 1900, and is still popular today. This charming climber offers pale yellow buds unfurling to warm ivory flowers that are double in form and scented with a green apple fragrance. Vigorous and rambling, the plant grows 15-20 feet tall and is hardy in Zones 5-9.
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Rosa ‘Altissimo’ has large single red flowers that glow like embers against the medium green foliage. It blooms repeatedly through the season, too. The disease-resistant plant grows vigorously to 6-10 feet tall. This French-bred variety is hardy in Zones 5-9.
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Rosa ‘America’ marked the beginning of the modern climber class and won the 1976 All-America Rose Selections award. Large, pointed buds unfurl to many-petaled, coral-pink blooms that show their ‘Fragrant Cloud’ heritage. The flowers are produced in sprays and have a spicy fragrance. Upright, disease-resistant plants can be slow to start climbing. They grow 8-16 feet tall and are hardy in Zones 6-9.
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Rosa ‘Don Juan’ is an all-time favorite red-flowered climber. It seems to have it all: plush, hybrid tea-style blooms with a tart citrusy fragrance; glossy, disease-free foliage; and reblooming vigor. Flower color is a velvety dark green and the open blooms are cupped. It climbs 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Eden’ is becoming an instant classic for its huge, romantic blooms that appear profusely throughout the season. The flowers are composed of up to 100 petals tinted in shades of pale pink, cream, and soft yellow. Extremely hardy, the plant lends itself well to arbors, trellises, and fences in colder climates. It climbs 10 feet tall by 6 feet wide. Zones 5-9
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Rosa ‘Fourth of July’ is an award-winning variety with semidouble, ruffled red and white-striped flowers. Blooms repeat continually and yield to large, orange hips in fall. It climbs 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide in milder climates, but will remain shrubby in colder regions. Zones 5-10
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Rosa ‘Golden Showers’ is always in bloom. The ruffled, semidouble flowers impart their sunshine throughout the season, perfuming the air with a light fragrance. Plants grow 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide. Zones 8-10
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4 دیدگاه برای “تصاویر تمام انواع گل رز ( all types of rose picture )”
درود بر شما، دنبال نام گلهای رز صورتی رنگی هستم که مدتی هست در گل فروشیها می فروشند که بدنه اش صورتی پرفیوم و روشن هست ولی تمام دور لبه های گلبرگها صورتی تیره رنگتر هست و بسیار عطر خوشایند و شیرین و غلیظی داره و شکلش دقیقا مثل گل رز سرخ هست. اگر کسی نام اونهارو می دونه خیلی سپاسگزارم می شم که بفرمایند.
سلام باتشكر ازسايت زيبايتان اياامكان پرورش گل رزسفيد (نوعي كهدرگل فروشي ها فروخته مي شود ودرشت است)ونيلوفر ابي سفيد وهمچنين نوعي ازانگور بنفش تيره كه بسيار بزرگ وسفت هستندوفكرمي كنم محصولي وارداتي شايدازكشور سوريه باشددرمنزل وشرايط گلخانه اي هست ؟چگونه ؟باتشكر. پاسخ : سلام. امكان پرورش گل رزسفيد و انگور بنفش تيره درمنزل وشرايط گلخانه اي هست. در مورد ديگر اطلاعات كاملي نداريم. پرورش حرفه اي گل رز : http://bostane.ir/post/44
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